Tutoring Lessons
Depending on their needs, our students are placed in private, semi-private, group, or online classes for their lessons. Whichever setting a student requires, he or she is assured of a dedicated group of certified teachers and tutors who deeply care about enriching the student’s education.
Most students in a private lesson setting are there for intensive tutoring. They require one-on-one attention to master concepts such as reading comprehension, math, or English language acquisition, and they benefit best from a personal lesson plan that allows them to strengthen weak areas at a comfortable, individualized pace.
Students in group lessons benefit from a collaborative and fun work environment. In a group lesson peers work together and help each other progress in their studies through rigorous and engaging instruction from our dedicated tutors.
We understand that with busy schedules and extra-curricular activities, making it to classes on-site is not always possible. Conveniently, we offer one-on-one, real-time, online classes for students who don't have the time or live too far away to make it to our location for individualized academic tutoring.